1. Ahmad, S., Liu, H., Beyer, F., Kløve, B., and Lennartz, B. 2020. Spatial heterogeneity of soil properties in relation to microtopography in a non-tidal rewetted coastal mire. Mires and Peat, 26, 04, 18pp. DOI:10.19189/MaP.2019.GDC.StA.1779
  2. Ahmad, S., Liu, H., Günther, A., Couwenberg, J., & Lennartz, B. 2020. Long-term rewetting of degraded peatlands restores hydrological buffer function. Science of The Total Environment 749(C), DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141571
  3. Ahmad S, Liu H, Alam S, Günther A, Jurasinski G, Lennartz B. 2021. Meteorological Controls on Water Table Dynamics in Fen Peatlands Depend on Management Regimes. Frontiers in Earth Science, in press. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.630469.
  4. Ahmad S, Hörmann G, Zantout N, Schrautzer J. 2020. Quantifying actual evapotranspiration in fen ecosystems: Implications of management and vegetation structure. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 20: 382-396. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2020.04.001.
  5. Alves, R.J.E., Minh, B.Q., Urich, T., von Haeseler, A., Schleper, C. 2018. Unifying the global phylogeny and environmental distribution of ammonia-oxidising archaea based on amoA genes. Nat Commun 9: 66. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03861-1
  6. Arce MI, von Schiller D, Bengtsson MM, Hinze C, Jung H, Alves RJE, Urich T, Singer G. 2018. Drying and rainfall shape the structure and functioning of nitrifying microbial communities in riverbed sediments. Front Microbiol. 9: 2794. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02794. eCollection 2018. PMID: 30519221.
  7. Berendt, J.; Tenspolde, A., Rex, D.; Clough, T. J., Wrage-Mönnig, N. 2020. Application methods of tracers for N2O source determination lead to inhomogeneous distribution in field plots. Analytical Advances Science 2020; 1-12. DOI:10.1002/ansa.202000100
  8. Beyer, F., Grenzdörffer, G.: Klassifikation von Vegetationstypen auf Moorstandorten unter Verwendung von multisensoralen Drohnendaten. In: Kersten, T.-P., Gülch, E., Schiewe, J., Kolbe, T. H., Stilla, U.: Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformatik - Kartographie - 2018 / Kersten, T.-P. (Bearb.). Hamburg : Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e.V., 2018. - ISBN 0942-2870, S. 521 - 533
  9. Beyer F, Jansen F, Jurasinski G, Koch M, Schröder B, Koebsch F. 2021. Drought years in peatland rewetting: Rapid vegetation succession can maintain the net CO2 sink function. Biogeosciences 18: 917-935. DOI: 10.5194/bg-18-917-2021
  10. Beyer F, Jurasinski G, Couwenberg J, Grenzdörffer G. 2019. Multisensor data to derive peatland vegetation communities using a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle. International Journal of Remote Sensing. DOI:10.1080/01431161.2019.1580825
  11. Beyer F, Steiger A, Grenzdörffer G. 2019. Multitemporale Auswertung von Moor-Vegetationsgesellschaften unter Verwendung von multisensoralen UAS-Daten. gis.Sciences. Vol. 2019/4.
  12. Bižić M, Klintzsch T, Ionescu D, Hindiyeh MY, Günthel M, Muro-Pastor AM, Eckert W, Urich T, Keppler F, Grossart HP. 2020. Aquatic and terrestrial cyanobacteria produce methane. Science Advances 6: eaax5343. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax534
  13. Domain R, Frolking S, Jeltsch-Thömmes A, Joos F, Couwenberg J, Glaser PH. 2018. A radiative forcing analysis of tropical peatlands before and after their conversion to agricultural plantations. Global Change Biology, 11: 5518-5533. DOI:10.1111/gcb.14400
  14. Gribbe, S., Blume-Werry, G., Couwenberg, J. 2020. Digital, Three-Dimensional Visualization of Root Systems in Peat. Soil Syst. 4, 13; DOI:10.3390/soilsystems4010013 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Understanding the Ecology of Restored Fen Peatlands for Protection and Sustainable Use)
  15. Günther, A., Böther, S., Couwenberg, J., Hüttel, S., Jurasinski, G. 2018. Profitability of direct greenhouse gas measurements in carbon credit schemes of peatland rewetting. Ecological Economics 146: 766-771. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.12.025
  16. Günther, A., Barthelmes, A., Huth, V., Joosten, H., Jurasinski, G., Koebsch, F., Couwenberg, J. 2020. Prompt rewetting of drained peatlands reduces climate warming despite methane emissions. Nature Communications 11: 1644. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15499-z
  17. Huth V, Günther A, Bartel A, Hofer B, Jacobs O, Jantz N, Meister M, Rosinski E, Urich T, Weil M, Zak D, Jurasinski G. 2020. Topsoil removal reduced in-situ methane emissions in a temperate rewetted bog grassland by a hundredfold. Science of the Total Environment 721: 137763. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137763.
  18. Jabłońska, E., Michaelis, D., Tokarska, M., Goldstein, K., Grygoruk, M., Wilk, M., Wyszomirski, T. & Kotowski, W. 2020. Alleviation of plant stress precedes termination of rich fen stages in peat profiles of lowland mires. Ecosystems 23: 730-740. DOI:10.1007/s10021-019-00437-y
  19. Jahns, S, Mrotzek, A, Sudhaus, D, Tabares, X 2019 Landwirtschaft und Holznutzung des mittelalterlichen Dorfes Diepensee, Lkr. Dahme-Spreewald, im Spiegel der pollenanalytischen Untersuchungen an der Kienberger Rinne In: Jahns, S./Hanik, S. Untersuchungen zu Lebensbedingungen, Siedlungsdynamik und menschlicher Ernährungsweise mittelalterlicher ländlicher Siedlungen in Brandenburg, Forschungen zur Archäologie im Land Brandenburg Band 23
  20. Jahns, S., Begemann, I., Greiser, C., Knipping, M., Michaelis, D., Sudhaus, D. & Tabares, X. 2019. Vegetationsgeschichtliche und moorkundliche Untersuchungen in der Niederlausitz, Brandenburg. – In: Jahns, S. & Hanik, S. (Hrsg.), Untersuchungen zu Lebensbedingungen, Siedlungsdynamik und menschlicher Ernährungsweise mittelalterlicher ländlicher Siedlungen in Brandenburg. Forschungen zur Archäologie im Land Brandenburg, 23
  21. Joosten H, Couwenberg J, Moen A, Tanneberger F. 2017a. Mire and peatland terms and definitions in Europe. In: Joosten H, Tanneberger F, Moen A (eds) Mires and Peatlands of Europe. Status, distribution and conservation. Schweitzerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, 65-96
  22. Joosten H, Moen A, Couwenberg J, Tanneberger F. 2017b. Mire diversity in Europe: mire and peatland types. In: Joosten H, Tanneberger F, Moen A (eds) Mires and Peatlands of Europe. Status, distribution and conservation. Schweitzerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, 5-64.
  23. Jurasinski, G., Ahmad, S., Anadon-Rosell, A., Berendt, J., Beyer, F., Bill, R., Blume-Werry, G., Couwenberg, J., Günther, A., Joosten, H., Koebsch, F., Köhn, D., Koldrack, N., Kreyling, J., Leinweber, P., Lennartz, B., Liu, H., Michaelis, D., Mrotzek, A., Negassa, W., Schenk, S., Schmacka, F., Schwieger, S., Smiljanic, M., Tanneberger, F., Teuber, L., Urich, T., Wang, H., Weil, M., Wilmking, M., Zak, D., Wrage-Mönnig, N. From Understanding to Sustainable Use of Peatlands: The WETSCAPES Approach. Soil Systems 4 (1). DOI:10.3390/soilsystems4010014 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Understanding the Ecology of Restored Fen Peatlands for Protection and Sustainable Use)
  24. Kappler C, Kaiser K, Tanski P, Klos F, Fülling A, Mrotzek A, Sommer M, Bens O. 2018. Stratigraphy and age of colluvial deposits indicating Late Holocene soil erosion in northeast Germany. Catena 170: 224-245.
  25. Kleimeier, C.; Liu, H.; Rezanezhad, F.; Lennartz, B. Nitrate Attenuation in Degraded Peat Soil-Based Constructed Wetlands. Water 2018, 10, 355. http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/10/4/355
  26. Koebsch, F., Gottschalk, P., Beyer, F., Wille, C., Jurasinski, G., Sachs, T. 2020. The impact of occasional drought periods on vegetation spread and greenhouse gas exchange in rewetted fens. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375: 20190685. DOI:10.1098/rstb.2019.0685
  27. Koebsch F, Winkel M, Liebner S, Liu B, Westphal J, Schmiedinger I, …, Unger V. 2019. Sulfate deprivation triggers high methane production in a disturbed and rewetted coastal peatland. Biogeosciences, 16(9), 1937-1953.
  28. Koldrack, N., Vettermann, F., Bill, R. 2017. Modernes Geodatenmanagement in der Forschung. In: Bill, R., Zehner, M. L., Golnik, A., Lerche, T., Schröder, J., Seip, S. (Hrsg.): GeoForum MV 2017 – Mit Geoinformationen planen!. GITO Verlag, Berlin, S. 103-110
  29. Lennartz B, Liu H. 2019. Hydraulic Functions of Peat Soils and Ecosystem Service. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 92. DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2019.00092
  30. Liu H, Forsmann DM, Kjærgaard C, Saki H, Lennartz B. 2017. Solute Transport Properties of Fen Peat Differing in Organic Matter Content. Journal of Environmental Quality 46: 1106-1113. DOI: 10.2134/jeq2017.01.0031
  31. Liu H, Lennartz B. 2018. Hydraulic properties of peat soils along a bulk density gradient—A meta study. Hydrological Processes. 33,101-114. DOI:10.1002/hyp.13314
  32. Liu H, Lennartz B. 2019. Short term effects of salinization on compound release from drained and restored coastal wetlands. Water, 11, 1549. DOI:10.3390/w11081549
  33. Liu H, Price J, Rezanezhad F, Lennartz B. 2020. Centennial-Scale Shifts in Hydro-Physical Properties of Peat Induced by Drainage, Water Resources Research. DOI:10.1029/2020WR027538
  34. Liu, H., Wrage-Mönnig, N., Lennartz, B. 2020. Rewetting strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from European peatlands. Communications Earth & Environment. DOI: 10.1038/s43247-020-00017-2
  35. Liu H, Zak D, Rezanezhad F, Lennartz B. 2019. Soil degradation determines release of nitrous oxide and dissolved organic carbon from peatlands. Environmental Research Letters, 14, 094009. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ab3947/meta
  36. Michaelis D. 2019. The Sphagnum species of the world. – Bibliotheca Botanica 162.
  37. Michaelis, D., Mrotzek, A., Couwenberg, J. 2020.Roots, Tissues, Cells and Fragments—How to Characterize Peat from Drained and Rewetted Fens. Soil Syst. 2020, 4, 12; doi:10.3390/soilsystems4010012 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Understanding the Ecology of Restored Fen Peatlands for Protection and Sustainable Use)
  38. Mrotzek, A., Dierk Michaelis, Anke Günther, Nicole Wrage-Mönnig and John Couwenberg 2020: Mass balances of a drained and a rewetted peatland: on former losses and recent gains. Soil systems, 4(1), 16. DOI:10.3390/soilsystems4010016 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Understanding the Ecology of Restored Fen Peatlands for Protection and Sustainable Use)
  39. Negassa, W., Acksel, A., Eckhadt, K.-U., Regier, T., Leinweber, P. Soil organic matter characteristics in drained and rewetted peatlands of northern Germany: chemical and spectroscopic analyses. Geoderma 353 (2019) 468–481. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.07.002
  40. Negassa, W., Baum, C., Schlichting, A., Müller, J., Leinweber, P. Small-scale spatial variability of soil chemical and biochemical properties in a rewetted peatland. Frontiers Environmental Science 10 (2019) 116. www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2019.00116/full
  41. Negassa, W., Michalik, D., Klysubun, W., Leinweber, P.. 2020. Phosphorus Speciation in Long-Term Drained and Rewetted Peatlands of Northern Germany. Soil Systems 4, 11; doi:10.3390/soilsystems4010011 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Understanding the Ecology of Restored Fen Peatlands for Protection and Sustainable Use)
  42. Schenk, S. 2018. Analyse des Landnutzungswandels nordostdeutscher Niedermoore mittels Altkarten und aktueller Geoinformationen. gis.science, 2018. S. 10-21.
  43. Schenk, S., Bill, R. 2018. WETSCAPES – Moorforschung mit Altkarten und aktuellen Geoinformationen. In: Bill, R., Zehner, M., Lerche, T., Schröder, J.: GeoForum MV 2018 - Geoinformation und Digitalisierung. Berlin : GITO mbH, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-95545-248-3, S. 147 - 158.
  44. Schenk, S. (2020): Altkarten als Zeitzeugen – Die Nutzung von Mooren im Verlauf der Jahrhunderte. In: 19. Kartographiehistorisches Colloquium Gotha 2018: Vorträge, Berichte, Posterbeiträge.
  45. Schwieger, S, Blume-Werry, G, Peters, B, Smiljanić, M, & Kreyling, J. 2019. Patterns and drivers in spring and autumn phenology differ above-and belowground in four ecosystems under the same macroclimatic conditions. Plant and Soil, 1-13. DOI:10.1007/s11104-019-04300-w
  46. Schwieger, S., Kreyling, J., Couwenberg, J., Smiljanić, M., Weigel, R., Wilmking, M., Blume-Werry, G. 2020. Wetter is better: rewetting of minerotrophic peatlands increases plant production and moves them towards carbon sinks in a dry year. Ecosystems: DOI: 10.1007/s10021-020-00570-z
  47. Schwieger S, Blume-Werry G, Ciesiolka F, Anadon-Rosell A. 2021. Root biomass and root traits of Alnus glutinosa show size-dependent and opposite responses to rewetting in a forested peatland. Annals of Botany 127: 337-346. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcaa195
  48. Smiljanić, M., Wilmking, M. 2017. Drivers of stem radial variation and its pattern in peatland Scots pines: A pilot study. Dendrochronologia 47: 30–37. DOI: 10.1016/j.dendro.2017.12.001
  49. Söllinger A, Urich T. 2019. Methylotrophic methanogens everywhere – physiology and ecology of novel players in global methane cycling. Review. Biochemical Society Transactions 47(6). DOI:10.1042/BST20180565
  50. Tanneberger F, Abel S, Couwenberg J, Dahms T, Gaudig G, Günther A, Kreyling J, Peters J, Pongratz J, Joosten H. 2021. Towards net zero CO2 in 2050: An emission reduction pathway for organic soils in Germany. Mires and Peat 27: 05. DOI: 10.19189/MaP.2020.SNPG.StA.1951
  51. Tanneberger, F., Appulo, L., Ewert, S., Lakner, S., Ó Brolcháin, N., Peters, J., Wichtmann, W. 2020. The Power of Nature-based Solutions: How Peatlands can Help us to Achieve Key EU Sustainability Objectives. Advanced Sustainability Systems. DOI:10.1002/adsu.202000146
  52. Tanneberger, F., KLIBB team members, van der Linden, S., Wichtmann, W., Närmann, F. What do we sink about soil carbon? Paludiculture as sustainable land use option to store and sequester carbon in organic soils. Regional Environmental Change. Special Issue: Sustainable management practices to increase soil carbon sequestration: what are their contribution to climate change mitigation, adaptation and food security in different ecosystems and regions of the world? (organised by 4p1000 initiative, www.4p1000.org)
  53. Tanneberger, F., Schröder, C., Hohlbein, M., Lenschow, U., Permien, T., Wichmann, S., Wichtmann, W. (2020) Climate change mitigation through land use on rewetted peatlands – cross-sectoral spatial planning for paludiculture in Northeast Germany. Wetlands. DOI:10.1007/s13157-020-01310-8
  54. Täumer J, Kolb S, Böddinghaus R, Wang H, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Urich T, Marhan S. 2020. Divergent main drivers of the microbial methane sink in temperate forest and grassland soils. Global Change Biology 27: 929-940. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15430
  55. Teltewskoi A, Schiefelbein U, Joosten H, Manthey M, Michaelis D, Schirrmeister L. 2019. A robust vegetation-based elevation transfer function for reconstructing Arctic polygon mire palaeo-microtopography. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.12.019
  56. Theuerkauf M, Couwenberg J. 2018. ROPES reveals past land cover and PPEs from single pollen records. Frontiers in Earth Science. doi.org/10.3389/feart.2018.00014
  57. Theuerkauf M, Couwenberg J (2020) Comment on Marquer et al., (2020): Pollen-based reconstruction of Holocene land-cover in mountain regions: Evaluation of the landscape reconstruction algorithm in the Vicdessos valley, northern Pyrenees, France. Quaternary Science Reviews. DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106463
  58. Theuerkauf, M, Engelbrecht, E, Dräger, N, Hupfner, M, Mrotzek, A, Prager, A, Scharnweber, T 2019, Using annual resolution pollen analysis to synchronize varve and tree-ring records. Quaternary 2019, 2, 23; DOI:10.3390/quat2030023
  59. Wang, M., Liu, H., Zak, D., and Lennartz, B. 2020. Effect of anisotropy on solute transport in degraded fen peat soils. Hydrological Processes. DOI:10.1002/hyp.13717
  60. Weil, M.; Wang, H.; Bengtsson, M.; Köhn, D.; Günther, A.; Jurasinski, G.; Couwenberg, J.; Negassa, W.; Zak, D.; Urich, T. 2020. Long-Term Rewetting of Three Formerly Drained Peatlands Drives Congruent Compositional Changes in Pro- and Eukaryotic Soil Microbiomes through Environmental Filtering. Microorganisms 8(4). DOI:10.3390/microorganisms8040550
  61. Wen X, Unger V, Jurasinski G, Koebsch F, Horn F, Rehder G, ... Böttcher ME. 2018. Predominance of methanogens over methanotrophs in rewetted fens characterized by high methane emissions. Biogeosciences, 15(21), 6519-6536. DOI:10.5194/bg-15-6519-2018
  62. Wrage-Mönnig N, Leinweber P. 2020. Understanding the Ecology of Restored Fen Peatlands for Protection and Sustainable Use. Soil Systems 4: 24. DOI: 10.3390/soilsystems4020024
  63. Zak, D., Roth, C., Unger, V., Goldhammer, T., Fenner, N., Freeman, C., Jurasinski, G. 2019. Unraveling the Importance of Polyphenols for Microbial Carbon Mineralization in Rewetted Riparian Peatlands. Front. Environ. Sci. 7:147. DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2019.00147